
Alex Carrillo. Work in progress.

-Editor's note-
Alex Carrillo has decided that rather than give you explanations and his own interpretation of the images, he would like you to decide what the images might mean. Alex continues his street photography for the sheer pleasure of it. His images are reminiscent of Atget's street photography and Walker Evan's street photography. What is uncanny is the fact his photographs are timeless and this timeless quality is felt whether the images are rendered in color or in black and white, and whether it is the French metro or subway in Belarus, he makes you feel like you are in the catacombs. Timeless camera obscura.
I hope you will visit his instagram page I think you will know what I mean.
Or you might be interested in his personal story.
https://www.alexmmx.tunblr. com
アレックス・コレロー 進行中の作品群
https://www.alexmmx.tunblr. com

Slideshow: Alex Carrillo, Work in Progress.

Michael Shemchuk. Vis A Vis'

All rights reserved. Copyright 1981.
-A series of Black & White Portraits, 1981-2002.-
What began as an exercise in a portrait photography class, stretched into a 21 year-old 'labor of love' from 1981 to 2002. I took this assignment quite literally, and in the next 21 years, I took hundreds of these portraits all on black & white film with a used Hassleblad camera and of course few mirrors. I added the mirror from the very beginning as the standard mechanism to reflect the photographer at the exact instant of the shutter click thus, capturing the Vis a Vis' moment. A self-published book of Vis a Vis portraits is in the works. In the interim, I am offering a limited edition of black & white prints of few of my favorite portraits. If interested please press the link button to view the images. -mshem-
-Editor's note-
Photography was only the entry point for Michael's creative endeavors. I think you will be quite amazed to see the breadth and scope of his creative vision. Michael's workshops are one of the most sought after workshops in the continental USA. So please look at his website in its entirety.

Michael Shemchuk. Vis A Vis'
-モノクローム肖像写真 1981から2002-
鏡を用意し中古のハッセルブラッド・カメラと共に私はこの課題に没頭するようになり何百枚もの写真を撮りました。最初から鏡を小道具として用意して被写体に撮影者が鏡に映り込むように持っていただきました。そうする事で被写体と撮影者が相対する決定的瞬間を撮ることが出来ました。自費出版の写真集を計画中ですが、もし興味がございましたら自分のウエブサイトにて完全な状態に近いVis A Vis'ポートレートをご覧いただけます。また限定販売のお勧めプリントをご用意しましたので下記のリンクボタンを押して検索ください。
マイケル氏のヴィジュアル作家としての歩みの中で写真は出発点にすぎません。Vis A Vis’写真は今日でも継続されていますが、マイケル氏はヴィジュアル作家として文字通り多彩な表現の持ち主です。是非、マイケル氏のウエブサイトをご覧になり、作家としての生き方を実感してください。また、マイケル氏のワークショップは全米でも評判です。

Vis A Vis' Slide Show

Felt artworks by Reika Wakai.

All rights reserved. Copyright 2019.

The word "Felt" originated from the Greek word "FULZEN". Meaning to combine, meshing together or assembleges of materials, such as wool fiber or it could even mean collective group of people. Ever since ancient times, "Felt" has given people security, warmth and comfort…
Editorial note.
Reika Wakai's website is a culmination of her felt making life style and perhaps one of the few fiber artist, creating felt artworks as well as offering workshops around Tokyo area. Nothing can explain felt better than the word she has chosen, "Fulzen". Reika also adds the word lab or laboratory to connote the experimental nature of bringing people to create collectively. Please enjoy the creative world of Felt making, unfortunately, her website and workshops are only in Japanese, but one doesn't need the assistance of language to feel the creative passion Reika places in her artworks. If interested, please visit her website


『FELT』という言葉は、ギリシャ語のFULZEN「結合させる」という語源からきているといわれています。 羊の毛と毛が絡み合って~ギュッと固まってできるフェルト。 そのフェルトは太古より人間を護り暖め癒してきました。
東京周辺をベースに活動を展開してきた若井麗華氏のウェブサイト<フルゼン・ラボ> ではフェルト創作の集大成とも言えるフェルト作品群の一部と若井氏が提供するワークショップの紹介を垣間見ることが出来ます。フェルトの語源のように、フェルトは正に結合して出来上がるのです。若井氏は「ラボ」「実験室」と言う言葉を付け加え、新しい試みにチャレンジする心構えを打ち出しています。日本では大変めずらしいフェルト作家がつくるフェルト作品をご堪能ください。一つ残念な事にウェブサイト、ワークショップは全て日本語で提供されております。しかし、言葉の力を借りなくても若井麗華の情熱と感動は十分伝わります。作品をご覧になられた後にご興味がございましたらウェブサイトもお楽しみください。

Fulzen Slide Show.

Artist# 3

Artist# 4


How To Apply.
Up to 5 artists can be featured at a time. Space is available free of charge. Each artists can submit precisely, 12, 18 or 24 JPEG (digital reproduction) images of your choice, sent by DropBox or email if it cannot be helped. We cannot accept flash media or SD cards sent through surface or air mail. This virtual space will be available for 6 months, after upload. We will not be responsible for poor image quality due to poor reproduction or editing adjustments. We will arrange your image according to our page template. Please understand that we reserve the right to refuse any portfolio for any reason.
1. Prepare 12, 18 or 24 images precisely, in the following sizes. Each image should be no larger than 1200x700 pixels. Or roughly 1Mg byte. Please take care of image adjustments before sending, i.e. density, color etc. We will not. 12, 18 or 24 images must be submitted exactly, because layouts requires number of images divisible by 3 and 2.
2. Please disable GPS tracking feature if any because some stranger can backtrack and trace where you live.
3. Please send your images through a DropBox or email. You can send the images using email. provided the images are resized to the size. 1200x700 pixels(about 1Mg byte).
4. We cannot accept unresized images sent through 10 emails. Please follow the sizing restriction.
5. Please be sure to add titles and numerical order in which the images can be shown in the order you had intended. We cannot present your images in one image per page.
6. Please be sure to send your English Artist Statement and Statement of Intent and title of show if any. (not more than 1 page legal page) English only.
7. If requested, translation of your Artist Statement (1 page legal page each) into Japanese will take 21 working days. Optional.
8. The images will be taken down and returned after 6 months. If requested they can be discarded instead of being returned.

作家紹介ギャラリーです。ギャラリースペースは無料です。毎回5名の作家さんが選んだ10から20点の作品を掲示いたしま す。作品の展示期間は6ヶ月間となります。画像品質は作家が処理してください。アップロード作品の画像品質に置は 一切保証いたしかねます。事情により作品アップロードを拒否させていただく 場合があります。

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