Concept: コンセプト
Welcome to website, “”. First and foremost, may I say that this website was made for you in mind! Hi my name is Jun Furuta, I am a photographer and a Japanese national. I was fortunate enough to be educated abroad, namely United States. In my travels, I was also fortunate enough to receive countless breaks, time and time again from total strangers as well as friends and mentors. I am forever grateful and I would go as far to say, their kindness and goodwill has made me what I am today.
ウェブサイト、“”へようこそ。本ウェブサイトは貴方の為に作らせて頂きました。写真家の古田 純と申します。どうぞ、宜しくお願いいたします。私ごとになりますが、幸いなことに自分は大学を留学という形で過ごすことができました。外国で暮らしていますと、見ず知らずの人々に助けられたり、親切心に触れることが多々あります。特に展覧会などは、現地の人々の厚情で開催することが出来たりします。自分が今日こうして好きなことを追求できるのもそうした優しい人々との交流だと思います。その恩返しが少しでも出来ればと思いこのサイトを立ち上げました。海外の作家が日本の展覧会や公募展に参加できますようにお手伝いさせていただきたい所存です。日本の作家の皆さま、美術界に携わる関係者の皆さまにも海外の作家達との交流の場としてこのサイトを見ていただければ幸いです。
Whether the information you seek can be found here remains to be seen, but please enjoy interesting discourse from artists around the world. If you are a professional photographer or an artist seeking access into Japanese art community, by presenting your work through sponsored shows and gallery exhibits. Hopefully, this website may give you an idea as to where to go, or how to go about achieving your objective. I regret to inform you that museum and gallery list is limited to 2 and 3 dimensional art and literature, poetry and performing arts have been omitted due to lack of expertise in these fields.
⦁ [Home]button.
Press to return to Top Page. Or you may press website logo to return to Top of the website.
⦁ [About] button.
Explanation of the website.
⦁ [Contact]button.
Enables you to forward your comments as well as pertinent information for your required translation services. Please do not send images through email. Please send text through email contact form. Please send your images by DROPBOX only. I can only apply standard measures in protecting the privacy of your contents. Please use your good judgement in protecting your privacy since it can only be protected by you.
⦁ [Profile] button.
Brief introduction of Jun Furuta's previous works.
⦁ [Services] button.
- Calendar of shows, juried exhibitions open for entry.
COVID NOTICE: I regret to inform you that Museums and galleries in Japan has been forced to reassess their event calendar due to COVID.
However, the Japanese government is allowing a gradual flow of tourists to enter the country as of June 10th, 2022. It still would take until 2023 for things to recover. Please regard this time as time offered to re-do or work on details you were not happy with. After all, there is never enough time to finish your work as you would like. I will upload new event calendar just as soon as they are posted. Please be advised that we are looking at 2023 and onward. We will let you know of changes, as soon as they happen. We are finally beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for your patience.
2. Links to prominent galleries, museums and organizations. “Who, When and Where.”
There is also an impressive database called I'm sure you will enjoy browsing through it.
3. Free of charge translation of contest entry forms, Translation of “Statement of intent” and Translation of “Artist’s Statement”. As well as resume or bio information if necessary. “How, why”.
(Please go to, “Translation Service” and read the “Terms and Conditions”. If you should find the Terms and Conditions” agreeable, the service will be free of charge.) . All translation must be from English to Japanese.
⦁ [Gallery] button.
Up to 5 artists can be featured at a time. The space is provided for free. Each artists can submit 12, 18 and 24 JPEG (digital reproduction) images of your choice(we are sorry but the number of images must be exact), sent by dropbox or email. We cannot accept flash media or SD cards sent through surface or air mail. This virtual space will be available for 6 months, after upload. Please adjust color and image quality yourself. We will not be responsible for poor image quality due to poor reproduction provided. Please press [Gallery] button and scroll down to "How to Apply". We will arrange your image according to our page template. Please understand that we reserve the right to refuse any portfolio for any reason. For instance, violent, pornographic, pedophile imagery
⦁ [Buzz] button.
Chat-room. (We can discuss artistic concerns, agenda and directions of each country, since art offers not one but many valid answers. Please help us make a better website for you by participating and posting your views. Please excuse the fact that chat-room will be conversed in English only.)
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- 年間を通して外国人作家の応募可能な展覧会、公募展、企画展の予定表。
- 著名な画廊、美術館へのリンク。年間を通して外国人作家の応募可能な展覧 会、公募展、企画展の予定表。名称、期日、 所在地。
データベースとして素 晴らしいサイトとしてがあり ます。こちらも是非ご参考ください。 - 募集要項、趣旨説明、コンセプトの翻訳の援助。必要に応じて経歴、履歴書の翻訳。
⦁ [Gallery]ボタン
無料作家紹介ギャラリーです。毎回5名の作家さんが選んだ10点から20点の作品を掲示いたしま す。作 品の展示期間は6ヶ月間となります。作品の複写品質に置かれましては 一切保 証いたしかねます。事情により作品アップロードを拒否させていただく 場合が あります。
⦁ [Buzz]ボタン
「チャット・ルーム」において最新の関心事、アジェンダ、国家間のアートに 対する方向性の相違を論じていただけます。アートの素晴らしい点は、答えが 1つではないことです。現時点では「チャット・ルーム」言語は英語のみにな ります。将来的には多言語プラットフォームの方向で検討しています。
⦁ [Profile]ボタン
古田 純のプロフィールと作品紹介。
⦁ [Contact]ボタン
サイトに関する意見はもちろん、希望するサービスに対する情報の送信。個人 情報を保護することを目的にしておりますがインターネットセキュリティは万 全ではありませんのでご注意ください。個人個人で工夫して頂けるようにお願 いします。テキスト文章はemailで、画像はDropBoxまたはemailでお願いします。